Hen is The Social Kinetic’s Chief Operating Officer and makes sure that, behind the big ideas and the vision, things happen when and how they should.
She is the glue that binds the skills and expertise of our Sounding Board together, and makes sure the right experts are in the right place at the right time, so that our clients always have the best people possible on hand.
Since joining SK six years ago, Hen has been involved, one way or another, in all our projects – from the integration of services and Trust mergers to using design thinking to co-produce strategies. She worked closely with the team on the strategy and delivery of the NHS Innovation Challenge Prizes programme, the launch of the NMC’s new Code and revalidation, and was instrumental in helping both our work in South Devon and on NHS Change Day scoop prestigious industry awards.
An experienced programme manager, Hen has overseen projects with multiple teams nationally and internationally. She has worked in advertising, marketing and gained her (obsessive at times) eye for detail and proofreading from working in translation across 28 languages.
Hen would love to ski all day, every day, but in the real world has four children to keep her entertained.